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  • Writer's pictureIsmael Neggaz

Best of...

It's always fun being part of a 'best of...' list. It never gets old. Who wouldn't want to be included as a top thing to do, see, try, or eat?! Our latest inclusion in a best of list comes courtesy of Redfin, who features 16 off the beaten path things to do in Washington D.C.. Alongside the Smithsonian Gardens and Rock Creek Trail, Chocotenango chocolates are featured as a top thing to do!

Our first experience of being a 'best of...' was in Guatemala, where locals and visitors alike would seek us out to try our creations, gift them to friends, or just come and see what all the fuss was about. Word of mouth was a powerful force for introducing Chocotenango to a wide base. We are always so grateful to all of you and to articles like Redfin's that help make that connection. Thank you ;).

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